The Truth Tracker

“Tracking The Truth, Because the Mainstream Media Won’t”

Posts Tagged ‘2008 Election

Remember the Voter Intimidating New Black Panthers From Philly!

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Well THE AMERICAN PUNDIT explains that The Justice Department has not for gotten one little bit.

Justice Department Sues Thugs from New Black Panther Party

You’ll recall the thugs from the New Black Panther Party engaged in intimidation tactics in Philadelphia on election day, standing outside a voting precinct in black uniforms and bearing billy clubs. Well, the Justice Department evidently hasn’t forgotten about them, either. It’s filed an injunction against said thugs.

Justice Department Seeks Injunction Against New Black Panther Party
Lawsuit Seeks to Prohibit Voter Intimidation in Future Elections

WASHINGTON – The Justice Department today filed a lawsuit under the Voting Rights Act against the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense and three of its members alleging that the defendants intimidated voters and those aiding them during the Nov. 4, 2008, general election.

The complaint, filed in the United States District Court in Philadelphia, alleges that, during the election, Minister King Samir Shabazz and Jerry Jackson were deployed at the entrance to a Philadelphia polling location wearing the uniform of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, and that Samir Shabazz repeatedly brandished a police-style baton weapon.

“Intimidation outside of a polling place is contrary to the democratic process,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Grace Chung Becker. “The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed to protect the fundamental right to vote and the Department takes allegations of voter intimidation seriously.”

According to the complaint, party Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz confirmed that the placement of Samir Shabazz and Jackson in Philadelphia was part of a nationwide effort to deploy New Black Panther Party members at polling locations on Election Day. The complaint alleges a violation of Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which prohibits intimidation, coercion or threats against “any person for voting or attempting to vote.” The Department seeks an injunction preventing any future deployment of, or display of weapons by, New Black Panther Party members at the entrance to polling locations.

The New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, which claims active chapters nationwide, is distinct from the Black Panther Party founded by Bobby Seale in the 1960s.

The Civil Rights Division enforces the Voting Rights Act of 1965. To file complaints about discriminatory voting practices, including acts of harassment or intimidation, voters may call the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division at 1-800-253-3931. More information about the Voting Rights Act and other federal voting laws is available on the Department of Justice’s web site at

And as American Pundit said.  GOOD.  I hope they teach these gentleman a lesson, and make an example for others in the future that have and stupid ideas.

God Bless,
The Truth Tracker
Jason R. Bootie

D.C. Banks Can Only Bend so far Before Breaking!

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Soaring costs for inauguration could break the bank for D.C.

In 2005, with an estimated 300,000 in attendance, the second inauguration of President Bush cost the city more than $17 million, some of which was reimbursed with federal funds. This year, officials estimate nearly five times that many people for the swearing in of President-elect Barack Obama.

Change and Hope we can ALL Believe in!  And I thought we are so bad off in our Economy?  Obama apparently doesn’t feel that way.

God Bless,
The Truth Tracker
Jason R. Bootie

Written by truthtracker

November 20, 2008 at 2:03 AM

Why wait till Jan. 20th anymore? Let’s make it Dec.

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Written by truthtracker

November 19, 2008 at 1:46 AM

Another American Who is Proud for the 1st Time in Their life!

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Michelle Obama is not the only one who is Proud of America for the First Time in her Adult Life

The thing that’s kind of astounding to me is I never ever would have cared to own a flag,” said Rosemary Garner, 42. “This is the first day in my life I actually feel this funny sense of pride about my country. It’s a very foreign feeling, but it’s a good one.”

Via (Conservatism Today)

God Bless,
The Truth Tracker
Jason R. Bootie

Written by truthtracker

November 18, 2008 at 5:07 AM

Obama’s Blackberry going bye bye or being 1st to stay at his side?

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Well folks I’m all for Obama being successful and helping this “The Greatest Country” turn around, but until I see the proof on the wall I won’t be holding my breath.  Also I wouldn’t be surprised that “The Messiah” tries to become the 1st president ( I mean why should he stop at all the firsts he has already brought upon us already this election) that sends emails and communicates in the cyber world.

To me if he tries to make sure he can be the first to communicate outside of the Presidential Records Act it will be just another step towards he total control and that is another step WE CAN’T ACCEPT.

Say Goodbye to BlackBerry? Yes He Can, Maybe

Folks we must continue to stay alert and watch what this incoming Administration tries to do with as little information to the public as possible.

God Bless,
The Truth Tracker
Jason R. Bootie

Written by truthtracker

November 16, 2008 at 11:56 AM

It’s About Conservative Principles, Stupid!

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Written by truthtracker

November 15, 2008 at 7:10 PM

Posted in Election Results, Politics

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Wow Big Suprise, Obama Campaign Won’t Be Audited!

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This comes as NO surprise to me.  It makes me furious, and outraged that the FEC will just let the fraud happen, but hey why question “The Messiah” after not doing such for so long?

Obama likely to escape campaign audit

By | 11/11/08 11:14 AM EST

The Federal Election Commission is unlikely to conduct a potentially embarrassing audit of how Barack Obama raised and spent his presidential campaign’s record-shattering windfall, despite allegations of questionable donations and accounting that had the McCain campaign crying foul.

Adding insult to injury for Republicans: The FEC is obligated to complete a rigorous audit of McCain’s campaign coffers, which will take months, if not years, and cost McCain millions of dollars to defend.

Obama is expected to escape that level of scrutiny mostly because he declined an $84 million public grant for his campaign that automatically triggers an audit and because the sheer volume of cash he raised and spent minimizes the significance of his errors. Another factor: The FEC, which would have to vote to launch an audit, is prone to deadlocking on issues that inordinately impact one party or the other – like approving a messy and high-profile probe of a sitting president.

McCain, on the other hand, accepted the $84 million in taxpayer money, which not only barred him from raising or spending more – allowing Obama to fund many times more ads and ground operations – but also will keep his lawyers busy for a couple years explaining how every penny was spent.

Through the end of September, McCain had socked away $9.4 million in a special fund to pay for the audit.

The Obama campaign does not expect to be audited, but spokesman Ben LaBolt said it would be ready in the event it is.

“We have had a first rate compliance operation for an unprecedented national grassroots fundraising effort,” LaBolt said.

“Nobody wants to go through an audit,” said former FEC chairman Michael Toner. As the top lawyer for George W. Bush’s 2000 campaign, which accepted public financing, Toner prepared for that campaign’s mandatory audit, before he was appointed by Bush to a seat on the FEC.

Agency investigators fan out across the nation interviewing campaign staffers and vendors to account for even the most seemingly trivial expenses.

The resulting audits have dinged publicly financed presidential campaigns for billing the press for port-a-potties accessible to supporters at events (Bob Dole in 1996) and using the wrong formula to divide the cost of outfitting campaign planes between primary and general accounts (John Kerry in 2004).

Obama – the first presidential candidate to decline public funding in the general election – certainly would provide fodder for the green eye-shades at the FEC’s E Street offices.

Obama’s campaign admitted it initially mis-categorized the purpose of an $832,598 payment for get-out-the-vote efforts to a consulting firm affiliated with ACORN, the community organizing group that became a top target for Republicans alleging voter fraud.

And FEC analysts over the course of the campaign have written more than a dozen letters to Obama singling out hundreds of contributors for whom the campaign either didn’t supply adequate information or from whom he accepted donations exceeding the $4,600 limit.

Spokesman LaBolt said the campaign has corrected errors as it was made aware of them. It’s  not at all unusual for the FEC to send many such letters – “requests for additional information” in agency parlance – to big-money campaigns. McCain’s campaign received at least a dozen, for instance.

But the media – first conservative outlets then mainstream publications – seized on the FEC letters to Obama, singling out donations from apparently fictitious donors as well as from foreign addresses – which are permitted as long as the donors are U.S. citizens. Allegations that the Obama campaign was willfully allowing foreign donations and excessive donations blossomed in the conservative blogosphere and prompted the Republican National Committee to file an FEC complaint.

Seizing on Obama’s reversal on a pledge to accept public financing if his Republican opponent agreed to do the same, as well as his campaign’s refusal to voluntarily release the names, addresses and employers of donors who gave less than $200 each – a group that accounted for about half of the more than $600 million that the campaign had raised through the end of September – the RNC asked the FEC “to immediately conduct a full audit” of all of Obama’s contributions.

It’s very rare for a complaint to trigger an audit, campaign finance insiders say.

And ironically, the historic volume of Obama’s small contributions, which may have made it tough for the campaign to weed out problem donations, may also help spare Obama an audit.

That’s because the byzantine formula the FEC staff uses to determine whether a campaign has engaged in “substantial” violations of federal election rules – the trigger to recommend an audit to commissioners – takes into account the size of the campaign’s coffers, according to David Mason, who served as a Republican appointee to the FEC until this year.

“So if a House campaign makes a $100,000 error, that’s huge and they’re likely to get audited,” he said. “If a campaign the size of the Obama campaign has a $100,000 error, then maybe not. It would depend on what the error is, obviously,” he said, explaining that mere accounting snafus are unlikely to prompt an audit. More serious and systemic problems, such as illegal contributions, result in campaigns getting tagged with more “audit points,” Mason explained. “If you get enough audit points, you get audited,” he said, adding “nobody outside the commission would know how many audit points the Obama campaign has.”

Mary Brandenberger, an FEC spokeswoman, declined to comment on the likelihood of an Obama audit. But she explained that if campaigns adequately answer the agency’s requests for information, it’s less likely they’ll be recommended for an audit.

Even if Obama’s campaign reached the audit recommendation trigger point, it’d be tough to muster the majority commission vote necessary to initiate the audit. That’s because the FEC is comprised of three Democratic commissioners and three Republicans and, as such, is prone to deadlock on partisan issues.

God Bless,
The Truth Tracker
Jason R. Bootie

Written by truthtracker

November 12, 2008 at 1:30 AM

Well 2008 Election is over and time to move on.

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Well folks we all know by now who is the President elect.  I am so sick of people saying we need to take a moment and think of this historic event.  Well I’m sorry but that is a bunch of bull!

Hey if the Republicans had put Michael Steele (former Lieutant Gov. of Maryland) or J.C. Watts (former congressman from Oklahoma) as the nominee, I’d have voted for them no questions asked.  And you may ask who are they or why did I use them.  Well they are both black politicians both of whom I would have voted for in a heartbeat.

See those of us who did not support “The Messiah” know exactly what our great country is now going to have to go through for the next 4 yrs.  What we are going to have to put up with and endure is nothing I’m interested in celebrating.  Those Obama supporters are going to find out soon enough what they have did to our country.

Now I’m not saying that it’s not okay for Obamanation to celebrate what they feel is a huge victory, but I for one am NOT INTERESTED.

Now it is time to move forward and get the true issues back on the table.  It is time to see how we as conservatives can get the republican party back to the Majority and into the Oval office in 4 years.  It is time to take our nation back from the liberal left and the corrupt politicians.

The main thing we must continue to do is pray that GOD will get us through the upcoming rough times.  He gave us our current situation for one reason or another and it is our job to follow and find out why he gave us the fake “Messiah”.

God Bless,
The Truth Tracker
Jason R. Bootie

Written by truthtracker

November 8, 2008 at 6:45 PM

And so the Palin blame game begins!!

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Well folks this is going to go on for who knows how long.  Most likely till the next election in 2012.  Just be prepared to ignore this made up garbage coming from the McCain camp moderates and all the other moderates and Rinos in the party.

The one thing I didn’t expect was that Fox News would be the network who bought into the crap and then just spit it out.

Via (America’s Right)

God Bless our country,
The Truth Tracker
Jason R. Bootie

Written by truthtracker

November 7, 2008 at 12:19 AM

Posted in Moderates, Politics, RINO's

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Trying to out do our own Military?

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How can anyone enjoy the kool-aid this man gives them, enough to vote for him?

God Bless,
The Truth Tracker
Jason R. Bootie

Written by truthtracker

November 2, 2008 at 5:22 PM