The Truth Tracker

“Tracking The Truth, Because the Mainstream Media Won’t”

Posts Tagged ‘HuffPo

Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers, Writing for Huffington Post!

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Via (Sweetness & Light)

Shocker: Bill Ayers Writes For HuffPo

Look who is now writing for Zsa Zsa Huffington’s execrable site:

President Select Obama’s education guru, the domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.

Isn’t that so naughty. (And so predictable.)

Mind you, only yesterday the Politico was just saying how the HuffPo was scooping the mainstream media.

How soon will it be before Mr. Ayers is working for the Washington Post or the New York Times?

(Thanks to David for the heads up.)

God Bless,
The Truth Tracker
Jason R. Bootie